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Derailing Switches

Derailing Switches

Derailing Switches

Veera Techno Trec stands out as a notable Derailing Switches manufacture in India. Derailing switches, also known as trap points, are safety devices used on railways to prevent runaway trains or rolling stock from entering unauthorized or dangerous areas. They are typically installed at the end of sidings, dead-end tracks, or at the entrance to yards or depots. When a train encounters a derailing switch in the wrong position, it is forced off the track, preventing it from entering the protected area.

Thus, Derailing switches play a crucial role in railway safety by preventing accidents caused by uncontrolled trains. They are particularly important in areas where there is a risk of trains overshooting signals or running away due to brake failures or other malfunctions.

At Veera Techno Trec, our Engineers utilize specialized software to define the geometry, including the switch angle, throw distance, and rail profile. This digital blueprint guides the selection of the material, typically high-strength steel, chosen for its exceptional strength and resistance to wear and tear. Our CNC machines ensure the precision of shapes while bending machines transform them into the switch’s unique profile.

These machines ensure consistency and accuracy, crucial for the switch’s proper functioning. Our QC team conducts meticulous finishing and rigorous inspection. Grinding and shot blasting smooth the surface, eliminating any imperfections that could hinder performance. Our trained engineers conduct thorough inspections to verify compliance with stringent quality standards before the switch embarks on its mission.

Derailing Switches
Derailing Switches
1:8.5, 52 Kg
1:8.5, 60 Kg

Design and Construction of Derailing Switches

Derailing switches are typically made of heavy-duty steel and are designed to withstand the impact of a derailed train. They consist of two main components:

The switch point: This is the movable part of the switch that guides the train wheels onto the derailing track.

The derailing frog: This is a raised section of track that further guides the train wheels off the main track and onto the derailing track.


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