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Fish Bolts

Railway Fish Bolts Manufacturer in India

Precision-engineered Railway Fish Bolts

Railway Fish bolts, also known as fishtail bolts, are high-tensile bolts used to secure fishplates to the ends of railway tracks. Fishplates are flat steel bars that bridge the gap between two rail ends, creating a continuous track surface for the train wheels to roll over. Fish bolts are inserted through holes in the fishplates and the rails, and then tightened with nuts to create a strong and secure connection.

Types of Fish Bolts

Fish bolts come in various sizes and grades, depending on the specific track requirements. Some common types include:
Square neck bolts: These have a square head, making them easy to grip and turn with a wrench.
Round neck bolts: These have a round head and are often used in conjunction with a special spanner.
High-tensile bolts: Made from specially treated steel, these bolts can withstand even greater load.

Railway Fish Bolts
Railway Fish Bolts
Fish Bolts Manufacturing

To keep the highest standard of product manufacturing, VTTPL uses high-quality steel using processes like hot forging and cold heading. The bolts are then heat treated to achieve the desired strength and durability. Finally, they may be coated with zinc or another protective layer to prevent corrosion. Precise grooves are carved onto the bolt shank, the lines of communication ensuring a secure and unwavering grip with the nut. Lastly carefully controlled heat treatment process imbues the bolt with its final strength and properties, making it ready to withstand the stresses and strains of the railway.

Quality Checks

Each bolt undergoes rigorous quality control checks, ensuring only the best protectors make it onto the tracks. Some receive a protective coat, like a knight’s armor, to shield them from the elements. Imagine vigilant inspectors, meticulously examining each bolt before it embarks on its duty.

Why are Fish Bolts Important?

Maintaining track alignment: Fish bolts prevent the rails from spreading apart or moving vertically, ensuring that the track remains stable and aligned.

Resisting high loads: Trains exert enormous forces on the track, and fish bolts must be strong enough to withstand these forces without breaking or loosening.

Providing shock absorption: The gap between two rail ends creates a small discontinuity in the track. Fish bolts help to absorb the shock of train wheels passing over this gap, preventing damage to the track and ensuring a smooth ride for passengers.


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