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Thick Web Switches

Thick Web Switches

Thick Web Switches

We are a leading railway thick web switches manufacturer of  in India, catering to the Indian Railways and other railway infrastructure projects. Our commitment to quality and innovation has earned us a reputation for excellence in the industry.

Our thick web switches are manufactured using high-grade steel and advanced techniques to ensure their durability and performance. We adhere to stringent quality standards throughout the manufacturing process, from material selection to final testing. Our switches are designed to withstand heavy axle loads and high-speed trains, ensuring the safety and reliability of railway operations.

Our comprehensive machine shop, equipped with CNC controlled machines, allows us to produce turnouts that can be customized to fit different layout requirements, including concrete, wooden, or steel materials. We are dedicated to providing tailored and cost-efficient options for switches and crossings.

Thick Web Switches
Thick Web Switches Manufacturer in India

Following are specification of Thick Web Switches we manufacture at our facility:


Benefits of track thick web switches

Increased safety: Railway track thick web switches are more likely to remain in place in the event of a derailment, which can help to prevent accidents.

Reduced maintenance: Thick web switches require less maintenance than traditional switches, which can save time and money.

Improved track geometry: Thick web switches can help to improve the geometry of the track, which can lead to a smoother ride for passengers and freight.

We are proud to be a trusted supplier of thick web switches to the Indian Railways and other railway infrastructure projects. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has made us a leader in the track thick web switches manufacturing industry.


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