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Railway Turnout

Railway Turnout System

Turnout System

A railway turnout system, also known as a switch and points, is a mechanical device that enables railway trains to be guided from one track to another. Railway turnout systems are essential components of railway infrastructure. They allow trains to change direction, branch off onto sidings, and navigate complex junctions. There are many different types of turnouts, and they are used in a variety of applications. It is important to maintain turnouts properly to ensure that they can safely guide trains from one track to another.

RDSO Railway Turnout Manufacturer & Supplier

Veera Techno Trec has established itself as a leading railway turnout manufacturer in India, offering a diverse range of turnouts. These turnouts are manufactured as per RDSO approved designs. Our in-house design department, staffed with qualified engineers, ensures that each turnout is meticulously crafted to meet the highest industry standards. In addition to our standard offerings, we also specialize in custom designs, providing tailored solutions to meet our clients’ specific needs. With a focus on precision engineering and reliability, Veera Techno Trec has also earned a reputation as one of the top railway turnout system suppliers in India. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction makes us the preferred choice for railway turnout solutions.

Followings is the range turnouts products manufactured by us.

Railway Turnouts
Railway Turnouts
1:4.5, 52 Kg
1:5, 52 Kg
1:6, 52/60 Kg
1:7, 52/60 Kg
1:8.5, 52 K
1:8.5, 60 Kg
1:12, 52 Kg
1:12, 60 Kg
1:16, 60 Kg
1:20,60 Kg
1: 10, 52 Kg – Diamond Crossing (CMS) with Movable nose
45 Degree Diamond
1:8.5 52 Kg – Single Slip and Double Slip
1:8.5-60kg Turnouts with 60E1A1 Switch rails
1:12-60kg Turnouts with 60E1A1 Switch rails
1:16-60kg Turnouts with 60E1A1 Switch rails

Railway turnout systems are used in a variety of applications, including:

Railway junctions: Turnouts are used to allow trains to change direction at junctions.

Sidings: Turnouts are used to allow trains to switch onto sidings, which are short tracks that are used to store trains or to allow trains to pass each other.

Crossovers: Turnouts are used to allow trains to cross from one track to another.

Depot entrances: Turnouts are used to allow trains to enter and exit depots.

Turnout Sytem Manufacturing Process and Quality Checks:

Veera Techno Trec’s manufacturing process is characterized by meticulous attention to detail and adherence to strict quality standards. Every turnout system is crafted with precision, using cutting-edge technology and top-quality materials. The company’s manufacturing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and tools, allowing for the production of turnouts that are not only durable but also efficient and reliable.

Quality checks are an integral part of Veera Techno Trec’s manufacturing process for all railway turnouts and track fittings. Each turnout undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and performance. From material inspections to dimensional accuracy checks, every aspect of the turnout system is thoroughly examined to ensure that it meets or exceeds customer expectations.

Veera Techno Trec’s commitment to quality extends beyond the manufacturing process. The company also offers comprehensive after-sales support, ensuring that customers receive the assistance they need to install and maintain their turnout systems. With a team of experienced professionals and a dedication to customer satisfaction, Veera Techno Trec is the ideal partner for all your railway turnout needs.

With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to quality, Veera Techno Trec is the premier choice as the best railway turnout manufacturer in India. Whether you’re looking for a reliable supplier or a manufacturer that can deliver turnouts that meet RDSO approved designs, Veera Techno Trec has you covered. Trust in Veera Techno Trec for all your railway turnout needs, and experience the difference that quality and reliability can make.


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