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BG / NG Steel Sleepers

Steel Turnout Sleepers Manufacturer in India

Railway BG / NG Steel Sleepers

In the ever-evolving world of railway infrastructure, the choice of sleepers plays an important role in the performance, safety, and cost-effectiveness of rail networks. While traditional wooden sleepers have served their purpose for decades, steel sleepers are increasingly becoming the preferred option for both broad-gauge and narrow-gauge railways.

VTTPL manufactured Railway steel sleepers are robust, durable components that support and hold the rails in place. Unlike wooden sleepers, which are susceptible to rot and decay, steel sleepers offer superior strength, longevity, and minimal maintenance requirements.

Our BG/NG Steel sleepers are manufactured using high-grade steel alloy. Depending on the desired design, the molten steel is shaped through casting, rolling, or welding. Each step involves meticulous quality control, including dimensional inspection, material testing, and surface inspection using advanced technology.

52 Kg Railway
60 Kg Railway

Steel Sleeper Quality Control and Inspection:

Veera Techno Trec’s rigorous quality controls are implemented throughout the manufacturing process. Dimensional inspection ensures accurate size and tolerance. Material testing verifies the strength, chemical composition, and fatigue resistance of the steel. Non-destructive techniques like ultrasonic testing identify internal defects. Only sleepers meeting the highest standards are released for further customization and finishing touches.


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