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Steel Turnout Sleepers

Steel Turnout Sleepers Manufacturer in India

Steel Turnout Sleepers

Railway Steel Turnout Sleepers, also known as ties, play a decisive role in the safe and efficient operation of railway switches, where tracks diverge and converge. These specialized sleepers are designed to withstand the high stresses and complex forces generated at turnouts, ensuring smooth and reliable train movements. Their superior strength, durability, and gauge stability make them an essential component of modern railway infrastructure. As railway technology continues to evolve, the role of steel turnout sleepers is becoming even more crucial in supporting the safe and sustainable transportation of people and goods.

Veera Techno Trec has been leading  as high-quality steel turnout sleepers manufacturer in India. At Veera Techno Trec facility, the Railway Steel Turnout Sleepers are manufactured from high-quality steel alloys which offer exceptional strength and durability. Railway steel turnout sleepers are manufactured using advanced techniques like casting, rolling, and welding. High-quality steel alloys are shaped into the desired profile, ensuring exceptional strength and durability.

Our rigorous quality control measures ensure each sleeper meets stringent standards. Modern techniques also allow for customization to meet specific requirements. After surface treatments like painting or galvanizing for corrosion protection, the finished sleepers are ready for installation in railway switches. These traits have showcased us as one of the top steel sleepers manufacturing company in India.

Steel Turnout Sleepers Manufacturer in India
Steel Turnout Sleepers Manufacturer in India
1:6, 52/60 Kg
1:7, 52/60 Kg
1:8.5, 52/60 Kg
Benefits of Railway Steel Turnout Sleepers:
Increased Safety: Railway steel turnout sleepers contribute significantly to the safety of railway operations by ensuring track stability and reducing the risk of derailments.

Reduced Maintenance Costs: The long lifespan and durability of steel sleepers lead to lower maintenance costs compared to traditional wooden sleepers.

Improved Track Performance: Steel sleepers provide superior track geometry and performance, resulting in smoother train rides, reduced noise pollution, and increased efficiency.

Environmental Sustainability: Steel sleepers are recyclable at the end of their lifespan, contributing to a sustainable railway infrastructure.


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