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Diamond Crossing

Diamond Crossing

Intricately woven into the vast networks of railways worldwide, railway diamond crossings serve as pivotal junctions, enabling trains to seamlessly transition between intersecting tracks. These crossings play a crucial role in facilitating efficient train movements, allowing them to navigate complex route networks and reach their destinations with precision.

Veera Techno Trec has been a leading manufacturer of railway track products, including the intricate and technically demanding diamond crossings for over two decades. Our extensive experience has allowed us to develop advanced manufacturing capabilities and a deep understanding of the stringent requirements of railway infrastructure. This expertise translates into the production of high-quality diamond crossings that meet the highest standards of safety and performance.

Our manufacturing facilities are equipped with the latest technologies and machinery specifically tailored for the production of diamond crossings including advanced casting lines, CNC Machining, state-of-the-art welding techniques to join various components of the diamond crossing and quality control procedures throughout the manufacturing process to guarantee the integrity and safety of each diamond crossing.

Fan Shaped Curved Switches
52 Kg 45 Degree Acute & Obtuse Diamond Crossing
2:7-60 Kg Diamond Crossing on Steel Sleeper Layout
1:7-60 Diamond Crossing on Steel Sleeper Layout
1:10-52 Kg Diamond Crossing on PSC Sleeper Layout.
BG 167mm with Movable Switch, Single & Double Slip

By combining cutting-edge technology with a skilled workforce and a dedication to quality, VTTPL has established itself as a leading manufacturer of reliable and long-lasting diamond crossings. Our commitment to innovation and collaboration ensures that we remain at the forefront of the railway track products industry, delivering solutions that contribute to a safer and more efficient railway network.

Benefits of Railway Diamond Crossings

More than just a point of intersection, VTTPL railway diamond crossings offer a multitude of benefits that optimize railway operations:

Enhanced Efficiency: By allowing trains to switch between tracks, diamond crossings facilitate complex route management, enhancing the efficiency of railway networks.

Cost-Effectiveness: Consolidating two crossings into one, diamond crossings reduce the overall infrastructure cost compared to installing separate crossings.

Space Optimization: Occupying less space compared to two separate crossings, diamond crossings are particularly beneficial in areas with limited land availability.


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