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CMS – Fabricated Crossings

Cast Manganese Steel CMS Crossing

CMS/Fabricated Crossings

In the intricate network of railways, crossings serve as crucial junctions where tracks intersect, enabling trains to navigate seamlessly between different routes. Among the various types of crossings, CMS/Fabricated crossings stand out as a robust and versatile solution for modern railway infrastructure. These crossings are meticulously constructed using a combination of steel components, offering exceptional strength, durability, and adaptability to diverse track configurations.

For over 2 decades, Veera Techno Trec has been a leading manufacturer of highly durable and reliable CMS Crossings (cast manganese steel crossings). Our vast experience translates into a comprehensive understanding of the demanding requirements of railway infrastructure. This expertise is reflected in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, equipped with the latest technology and staffed by a team of highly skilled professionals.

Cast Manganese Steel CMS Crossing
Cast Manganese Steel CMS Crossing Manufacturer in India

Our CMS crossings have a Brinell hardness of 200-220, making them significantly more wear-resistant than standard rail steel. This translates to a longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs. They are also highly resistant to impact and fatigue, ensuring they can withstand the constant pounding of train wheels without cracking or breaking. Additionally, VTTPL CMS crossings have a good level of ductility, allowing them to deform slightly under extreme loads without breaking. This helps to prevent sudden failures and ensures the safety of trains.

CMS Fabricated Crossings
CMS Fabricated Crossings

Applications of CMS Crossings

Due to their versatility and superior performance, CMS Fabricated crossings are widely employed in various railway applications:

  1. Main Lines: Fabricated crossings handle the heavy traffic of main lines, enabling trains to switch between tracks efficiently.
  2. Sidings: These crossings provide access to sidings, allowing trains to be parked or moved off the main line for maintenance or scheduling purposes.
  3. Yards: Fabricated crossings facilitate maneuverability within yards, enabling trains to be switched and marshaled for various destinations.
  4. Industrial Railways: Fabricated crossings are commonly used in industrial settings, connecting private rail lines to main railways or facilitating movement within industrial complexes.
  5. Urban Railway Systems: Fabricated crossings play a crucial role in urban rail networks, enabling trains to navigate complex track layouts and connect with different transit lines.


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