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Fan Shaped Curved Switches

Fan Shaped Curved Switches

Fan Shaped Curved Switches

Veera Techno Trec is prominent Fan Shaped Curved Switch manufacturer in India. These switches are a versatile and cost-effective solution for changing the direction of trains on a curve. They are used in a variety of applications, including yards and sidings, tunnels, and elevated railways. The curved section of the switch allows the train to smoothly change direction from one track to the other. They are typically used in yards and sidings, where space is limited. Fan-shaped curved switches are also used in some tunnels and on some elevated railways.

High-strength steel, the foundation of these intricate structures, undergoes a precise manufacturing process that relies heavily on CNC-controlled machines. At Veera Techno Trec, from cutting and shaping to carving intricate details and seamlessly joining components, these machines are the driving force behind the creation of these robust guides for trains. After finishing and inspection, fan-shaped curved switches embark on their mission to ensure safe and efficient train journeys across the globe.

Fan Shaped Curved Switches
Fan Shaped Curved Switches
1:8.5 – 52 Kg and 60 Kg
1:12 – 52 Kg and 60 Kg
1:16 – 52 Kg and 60 Kg
1:20 – 52 Kg and 60 Kg
Applications of Fan Shaped Curved Switches

Fan-shaped curved switches are used in a variety of applications, including:

Yards and sidings: Fan-shaped curved switches are often used in yards and sidings to change the direction of trains that are being switched.

Tunnels: Fan-shaped curved switches are sometimes used in tunnels to change the direction of trains that are entering or exiting the tunnel.

Elevated railways: Fan-shaped curved switches are also used on some elevated railways to change the direction of trains.


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