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Rail Track Fittings and Fasteners

Rail Track Fittings and Fasteners
Rail Track Fittings

Rail track fittings are the components that hold the rails in place and keep them aligned. These are essential for the safe and efficient operation of railways. There are many different types of rail track fittings, but some of the most common include:

Rail clips: These are metal clips that hold the rails to the sleepers. They are typically made of spring steel and are designed to be flexible so that they can absorb the shock of train traffic.

Leveling screws: These are screws that are used to adjust the height of the rails. They are typically made of steel or brass and are threaded into the sleepers.

Rail Track fittings are an essential part of any railway system. They help to keep the rails in place, aligned, and level. This ensures the safe and efficient operation of trains, and helps to prevent derailments. Here are some additional details about track fittings:

They are typically made of steel, cast iron, or spring steel.
They are designed to be strong and durable, and to withstand the weight and stress of train traffic.
They are installed by qualified railway workers.
They need to be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure that they are in good condition.

Rail Track fittings are an important part of railway safety. By keeping the rails in place and aligned, they help to prevent derailments and other accidents. They also help to reduce wear and tear on the track, which can extend its lifespan.


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