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Rail Track Fish Plates

Rail Track Fish Plates

Rail track fish plates are an essential part of the railway track infrastructure. They help to keep the rails in place and prevent them from derailing. Fish plates also help to distribute the load from the train over a larger area, which helps to protect the rails from damage. Here are some of the key importance of railway fish plates:

To prevent derailments: Fish plates help to prevent derailments by keeping the rails aligned. This is important because even a small misalignment of the rails can cause a train to derail.

To improve the track’s ride quality: Fish plates help to improve the track’s ride quality by reducing the vibration and noise levels. This is important for the comfort of passengers and the safety of the train crew.

Railway fish plates play an important role in the safe and efficient operation of railways. They are an essential part of railway track infrastructure and help to keep the rails in place, prevent derailments, distribute the load from the train, and improve the track’s ride quality.

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